Llum BCN 2022 – Light Arts Festival in Barcelona

From February 4 to 6, 2022, Barcelona’s Poblenou will light up and shine one more year and with more force than ever. The festival of light, now in its fifth edition, has become a classic of winter events in Barcelona, and will allow tourists to discover and enjoy one of the most creative and avant-garde neighborhoods in the city, the Poblenou, where the event will take place.
The reason for the festival is to open the celebrations of the city’s major winter festivals, dedicated to the co-patron saint of Barcelona, Santa Eulalia. The initiative brings together tradition and new forms of artistic expression in which light is the protagonist , transforming emblematic buildings and inner courtyards of blocks. For that, it involves the participation of international creatives and artists, such as Trevor Paglen, Ulf Langheinrich or Tundra, and national ones, such as Toni Arola, Antoni Miralda, Mariona Benedito or Jordi Canudas. In addition, like every year, the students from Barcelona’s art, design and lighting schools will participate, as they have demonstrated their high quality and are one of the distinctive features of this festival of light. The goal is to create an urban laboratory that will challenge our senses and set future trends in the world of art, design, urban lighting and citizens’ participation.
Come discover the Faces of ImageNet installation, in which the North American artist Trevor Paglen highlights the prejudices with which artificial intelligences are formed, or the OSC-B work by the German creator Ulf Langheinrich, which uses a large screen to reflect on the pond at the Design Museum, or the holographic projectors in Row, the work of the Tundra collective that makes us reflect on language and dialogue.
On Friday 4, the first day of the festival, La Formigonera of Poblenew: Balada per a un estomac, the traveling work by Antoni Miralda that deals with the connections between art and food, will move around the streets of the neighborhood. Related to food as well is the work Xocolata amb llum, proposed by the artist Jordi Canuda, an installation in which light melts chocolate live and invites the public to taste it.
Llum BCN 2022 invites you to enjoy works that will not leave you indifferent. The most groundbreaking ones will shake your senses; others, more poetic, will captivate you; and most of them, in one way or another, will make you reflect on various issues, be they social, aesthetic, urban or even existential. Come and dare to feel the transforming power of light, from February 4 to 6, 2022 in the Poblenou neighborhood of Barcelona.
For more information, visit this link.