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Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2020 (MWC Barcelona 2020)

The 15th edition of the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2020 (MWC Barcelona 2020) will take place in Barcelona from February 24th to 27th, with events at the Fira Montjuïc (just 5 minutes walk from out hotel, La França Travellers) and Gran Vía Fira Barcelona.   For the transfer of the participants between both Fira Montjuïc and Gran […]

Enjoy Christmas in Barcelona 2019

Once again the city of Barcelona celebrates Christmas with more than a thousand festive, recreational and cultural activities for the whole family. In order not to miss anything, we have prepared a guide with the best plans to enjoy Christmas of the year 2019 at our hotel La França Travellers in Barcelona.  CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH-ON […]

Outdoor cinema in Barcelona

Outdoor cinema is a summer classic. In Barcelona you can enjoy it on the esplanade of Montjuïc Castle, just a few minutes away from  La França Travellers. With a screen of about 170 square meters, this year, with a more feminine offer than ever, they offer from June 28 to August 2 a musical performance, […]


The Sant Jordi festival is celebrated in Catalonia on April 23. Sant Jordi is the patron Saint of Catalonia since 1456. It is the festival of culture and love, which is represented by books and roses. On Sant Jordi’s day the city of Barcelona is filled with stalls where books and roses are sold and […]

Metallica’s concert in Barcelona

The mythical band Metallica, maximum exponent of Thrash Metal, will perform in Barcelona next May 5th. The concert is part of the WorldWired Tour, which is making them perform around the world since November 2016. The Barcelona show will take place at the Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium, which is only 10 minutes away from our […]

ITMA 2019 (Textile & Garment Technology Exhibition)

ITMA is the most important textile machinery fair in the world. In this fair you will find the latest technologies of the main textile machinery manufacturers, as well as solutions to the new challenges that the textile industry is facing. Organized by ITMA Services, the next ITMA Fair will be held from 20 to 26 […]

Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2019 (MWC Barcelona 2019)

The Mobile World Congress 2019 (MWC 2019) will take place in Barcelona from February 25 to 28, with events being staged at Fira Montjuïc venues (just 5 minutes walking from our hotel, La França Travellers), Gran Vía de Fira Barcelona and new this year, at La Farga de L’Hospitalet. Under the event theme of “Intelligent […]

Weihnachten in Barcelona Geniessen

Barcelona feiert Weihnachten mit mehr als tausend festlichen, erholsamen und kulturellen Aktivitäten für die ganze Familie. Damit Sie nichts verpassen, haben wir einen Führer mit den besten Plänen für Weihnachten in unserem Hotel in Barcelona vorbereitet. ZÜNDUNG DER WEIHNACHTSBELEUCHTUNG Die Weihnachtsbeleuchtung markiert den Beginn der Vorweihnachtszeit ab 22. November. Die offizielle Zeremonie findet in der […]

La Castanyada

An Allerheiligen, dem 1.11 feiern wir in Katalonien die “Castañada”. Diese Tradition besteht darin Esskastanien und geröstete Süsskartoffeln zu essen und “Panellets”, eine typishe katalanische Süssigkeit; das sind kleine Bälle aus Marzipan und pinienkernen, dazu trinkt man eine süssenwein, den Muskateller. Die Esskastanien und Süsskartoffeln werden ab Oktober in kleinen strassenständen verkauft. Die Idee ist, […]

Festival La Mercè

Vom 21. bis 24. September feiert Barcelona sein größtes Festival, La Mercè. Vier Tage mit mehr als 500 kostenlosen kulturellen Aktivitäten für alle Arten von Publikum, von Familien mit Kindern bis zu Gruppen von Jugendlichen, Paare und Liebhaber der traditionellen katalanischen Kultur, Athleten…   Um sich bei so vielen Veranstaltungen nicht zu verlieren, können Sie […]

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